Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Start Making Serious Money In The Forex Market This Year

by John Anghelache

The forex market is the largest in the world.

About $1.5 Trillion dollars flow through it daily. Finally, the forex is open to all of us. For decades only banks, investment firms and super-wealthy individuals had access to the forex.

Making money in the forex is a matter of having accurate information and using it properly.

But where do you turn to if you're new to currency investing?

Here are a couple of options:

1. Find a mentor.
Start talking to investors in the market and find someone you hit it off with who is doing well trading currencies.

Ask them for their advice about what books to read, programs to buy and strategies to consider.

Most successful investors - once you build a relationship with them - are more than willing to "show off" and spill the beans a little.

2. Read top-selling books on forex trading.
One outstanding characterisitc successful investors have is they never stop learning.

Reading best sellers on forex gives you an continual supply of cutting-edge information. A lot of times just one simple idea can result in windfall profits for you.

3. Invest in one forex trading program per quarter.
Nothing will short cut the learning curve like having a proven strategy. Do a little research and find out what the most recommended programs are.

Then invest in one program every three months for one year. At the end of the year you will have four proven strategies for trading forex.

Keep this in mind...

The ultimate success formula is to find someone who is already getting the results you want... model what they do... and monitor your results.

When you combine the three pieces of advice above you give yourself the greatest edge.

Before you know it you'll be trading like an expert.

Now, go get 'em and start making serious money in the forex market this year. You can do it.

John Anghelache is a consumer advocate for currency investors. Find out how to avoid losing your shirt in the forex market at www.forexscamsexposed.com

Easy-Forex? The best trading platform available today.

ForexProfiteer.com - Learn to trade the Forex with our Simple Day trading strategy.


Freddie L Sirmans, Sr. said...

Just browsing the internet, you have a very, very interesting blog.

Irene M. said...

I know someone that works at my small business loan firm that just got started making money with Forex. It needs to be noted that you need to have a strong server host to support it, though. He uses GoDaddy, and it's just not cutting it. Not even close!